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Erectile Dysfunction

One of the most common sexual dysfunctions experienced by men is erectile dysfunction, which is defined as an inability to get or sustain an erection strong enough for sexual penetration. Studies conclude that 52% of men within the age range of 40 – 70 will experience this condition. For some, the symptoms will occasionally arise and for others, it may be a persistent problem which can cause frustrations.

The popularity of online shopping has never stopped growing since its inception, with gaps in each market being filled by online traders and some companies even covering every corner of eCommerce, like Amazon. Online pharmacies have given people easier access to more affordable generic erectile dysfunction products which are otherwise hard to find via the conventional channels of consultations and chemists.

By shopping at our online pharmacy, people can save themselves from unnecessary trips to doctors and pharmacies. For those who are interested in how to buy erectile dysfunction medications online discreetly without the need for visiting a clinic, this article will cover all that is needed to know. However, we will first be covering this common condition and exploring various ways to relieve its symptoms.

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Erectile Dysfunction Causes

The cause of erectile dysfunction is a very dynamic topic, as each case would warrant its own individual diagnosis. This condition is related to poor blood flow and considered normal for ageing men. When a man ages, testosterone levels may naturally reduce contributing to a higher chance of experiencing impotence, however, this is normal and completely treatable in various ways.

Gaining excess weight and underlying health problems like heart disease or diabetes can also cause erectile dysfunction. Sometimes, the cause can be psychological, more so when the case is found in a younger patient. Performance anxiety, stress and current problems with relationships can all be attributed to men having issues with obtaining an erection. Sometimes there are ways to deal with these problems with natural solutions.

Stress management is often overlooked. We live and work in a fast-paced society which can often feel overwhelming and taking time to decompress is key to decreasing stress, which can benefit physical health too. According to studies, just 4 minutes a day of intense exercise can improve circulation and reduce the risk of mortality by 30%. Furthermore, it can also decrease cortisol levels (stress hormones) in the body.

How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction

Successful treatments for erectile dysfunction usually involve finding the source of the problem, as there can be many factors which can attribute to the issue. When clearly understood, a treatment plan should be formed to help treat the underlying cause. Treatment plans usually include medications and treatment plans with regular consultations with a medical professional, to track the progress of therapy.

Normally a log book would be kept so patients can follow a routine of activities, if necessary, and keep a record of dosage times and amounts. Treatment plans which use erectile dysfunction medications usually last for 28 days or 4 weeks. This could include stretches, exercises or techniques which include both, like tai chi or Pilates. Additionally, diet changes are always something that is recommended by doctors.

Eating lean, grilled meats alongside whole foods like potatoes or rice and dark green vegetables can help to reduce cholesterol and lower body fat. This can reduce blood pressure issues and relieve symptoms of erectile dysfunction. A combination of efforts can really improve the chances of treatment being successful. Of course, lifestyle changes from treatments should be adopted permanently to maintain optimal health.

What is Erectile Dysfunction Medication?

Medications for erectile dysfunction are known as PDE5 inhibitors and were initially developed to treat pulmonary hypertension, a condition which affects the blood vessels between the heart and lungs. This is where the blood pressure is high in these arteries due to them narrowing or becoming blocked. This class of medications opens up arteries which allow blood to flow more freely.

Within clinical trials, male test subjects began to notice that they were able to achieve erections much more easily. This led Pfizer to develop the substance they were testing, Sildenafil Citrate, as a remedy for erectile dysfunction. Once extensive trials and tests were carried out by Pfizer and the Food and Drug Administration, the product was deemed safe and effective with minor risks. This led to approval for use in 1998.

As pharmaceutical product patents last for around 20 years, the patent on Sildenafil has since expired. This has allowed other companies to copy Pfizers formula and use it in their own generic brands of erectile dysfunction medications. These generic versions are considerably cheaper than the originals they are emulating, as they did not have to pay the expensive fees attached to trialling and testing the product.

How to Use Erectile Dysfunction Medication?

Medications for erectile dysfunction can differ, as they can come in many different dosage forms, sizes and even flavours. Typically, there are 3 main ingredients used in PDE-5 inhibitors, namely; Sildenafil, Tadalafil and Vardenafil. The brand names that these active substances are known as are; Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, respectively. Dosage instructions for each product using these ingredients can vary.

Due to this, reading the instructions for individual erectile dysfunction products is important, as it will ensure safe use and higher chances of treatment success. Mostly, these medications are to be administered once a day and the only differentiating factors between each are the activation times, dosage forms, strengths and durations of action. Each product on our website has a page specific to each product.

Readers can read into the products we stock by accessing the product page and selecting the erectile dysfunction product they wish to look into further. Within each page, our writers with expertise in the field cover the dosage instructions, manufacturer information, regulations and more behind each product. By reading this information, people can familiarise themselves with the suitable treatments.

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How Erectile Dysfunction Medication Works

The way that erectile dysfunction medicines act on the body is by dilating vascular tissues. This allows circulation to become more efficient and for the penis to become erect much more easily when sexually stimulated. As previously mentioned, these medications belong to a medicine class called PDE5 inhibitors, this is because they prevent the release of an enzyme called PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type 5).

This enzyme is responsible for the degradation of a cell messenger named cGMP (Cyclic guanosine monophosphate), which is present in the walls of arteries and veins. The presence of cGMP makes blood vessels relax and when they no longer need to the body will release PDE5 to break it down. By stopping the release of PDE5, more cGMP is present, resulting in consistent vasodilation of blood vessels in the penis and other tissues.

This in turn allows the users of erectile dysfunction medications to experience increased erection quality and improved sexual performance. When used alongside couples therapy, diet changes and exercise, these products can have a positive impact on relationships. Each case of erectile dysfunction is different and sometimes the cause cannot be clear, so exploring all potential areas for improvement may benefit patients.

How Long Does Erectile Dysfunction Medication Last?

The answer to this question is dependent on the individual erectile dysfunction medication that is being used and the active pharmaceutical ingredient that is contained within it. As touched upon earlier, there are 3 ingredients commonly found in these types of treatments.

  • Sildenafil Citrate: Medications containing this are at their peak for the first 4 and 6 hours and active for up to 24 hours
  • Tadalafil: Erectile dysfunction treatments that utilise this ingredient typically last for 24 – 36 hours and should be taken daily
  • Vardenafil: Products that use this compound peak for the first for 4 – 6 hours and last up to 24 hours

Even erectile dysfunction medications which last for a 4 to 6-hour timeframe still maintain a presence in the system for up to 24 hours, hence the one dosage per day limitation that is recommended and should never be exceeded, in any circumstance. By adhering to this, people can reduce the risks of any potential adverse effects from erectile dysfunction medication and ensure they get the very best results from their treatment plan. 

Can You Buy Erectile Dysfunction Treatments Over the Counter?

Sildenafil is available in some countries in reduced 50 mg dosage forms under the brand name “Viagra Connect”, which is made by Pfizer. As this is a branded product, it can come at steep prices and alternatives that are affordable are usually never found in the pharmacies that sell them. This is due to large companies paying pharmacy chains to exclusively stock their erectile dysfunction treatment and no others.

Even if people would prefer to buy erectile dysfunction treatments over the counter, they would need to go out of their way to go to the chemist. Sometimes this would mean verbally requesting the product in front of others who may be in the pharmacy at the time. This can cause embarrassment for some, which is why many people prefer to make their purchases over the Internet and not in person.

Should people wish to buy erectile dysfunction medications in higher dosage forms, they would have to book an appointment with a medical professional and obtain a prescription to do so. Even if a higher dosage form is given, users would be prescribed a limited amount that will not last for long. As a result, a repeat prescription would need to be given by a doctor, which would require repeating the same trips over and over again.

Why More People Buy Erectile Dysfunction Tablets Online?

Saving time and money due to convenience is the key reason that people buy erectile dysfunction remedies online. When venturing down the traditional routes people would need to travel which can cost money in gasoline and parking. Those who do not have any means of transportation would have to take a taxi, bus or train to get to the doctors office and if given a prescription, purchase overpriced products.

Online pharmacies allow people to buy erectile dysfunction medications with complete discretion. From payment methods which do not show any information about the products purchased or the websites they are sourced from, customers can feel safe that their data and personal information are protected. Most websites are now protected by encryption which is considered impregnable, 128-bit SSL encryption.

Be sure to check the secure socket layer certification found next to the web address of any websites visited. This will show that the website is protected and a secure platform to make payments over. Due to the high level of confidentiality and security offered by online pharmacies, people can rest easy knowing they have no potential face-to-face encounters whilst getting their erectile dysfunction medications.

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How to Buy Erectile Dysfunction Medication Online?

Our e-pharmacy has made the process easy. People can easily buy erectile dysfunction medications by adding the products they want to their cart before progressing to the payment or checkout page. Once at this stage of the process, you will be presented with the payment options we accept. Those options include; Visa, Mastercard and Bitcoin. Once payment is completed, we will send out an email to confirm it. This email will contain the unconnected name appearing on billing and bank statements.

Also, at this stage, we will begin to pack and process your order. We will send out your erectile dysfunction treatments in unlabelled packaging, so even the couriers will not know the contents of your package. Deliveries will take an estimated 4 – 7 working days in France and 5 – 7 business days in Europe. An email will be sent with tracking information which can be used by accessing the couriers tracking system online.

If at any stage people need help regarding our website, the products we stock or our ordering process, they can easily contact our customer support team via telephone hotline, live chat and email and they are available 24 hours a day.

Buy erectile dysfunction treatments today at kamagra-eu.com and make every night one to remember.

Marguerite Simon
Reviewed by:

Marguerite Simon

A graduate of a top European medical school, Marguerite has dedicated her career to understanding the complexities of reproductive health and the various pharmacological interventions that can improve it.

Last Reviewed: 10th July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025



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